Types of Tax Planning
Tax Planning can be understood as the activity undertaken by
the assessee to reduce the tax liability by making optimum use of all
permissible allowances, deductions, concessions, exemptions, rebates,
exclusions and so forth, available under the statute.
Short range tax planning: Short
range tax planning refers to year to year planning to achieve some specific or
limited objective.
Long range planning: Long
range planning involves entering into activities, which may not pay off
immediately, e.g. transfer of assets without consideration to minor child. The
income will be clubbed to transferor upto the child in minor but afterward,
this will be an income of child.
Permissive tax planning: Permissive
tax planning is a planning for tax under the express provisions of tax laws.
Indian tax laws offer many exemptions, rebates, deductions and incentives.
Purposive tax planning: This
planning is based on the measures which circumvent the law. The permissive tax
planning has to express sanction of the Statute while the purposive tax
planning does not carry such sanction.
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